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Fuel & Energy Assistance

Covering heating costs can put a burden on our budgets. There are fuel and energy assistance programs that are here to help!


Whether you own your home or rent, pay for heat directly or as part of rental expenses, fuel and energy assistance programs can help pay part of your heating and energy bills.

Check out this new resource video about 3SquaresVT & Fuel Assistance in ASL!

Seasonal Fuel Assistance +

Signing up for Seasonal Fuel Assistance may increase your monthly 3SquaresVT benefit amount! Folks need to meet income requirements (185% of the federal poverty line based on the number of people in your household) to qualify for Seasonal Fuel Assistance.

The application is just two pages long and can be completed and submitted to the Department for Children and Families Economic Services Division (ESD) in a few different ways:

If you are unsure of how to answer a question on the application, call 1-800-479-6151 to speak with someone from ESD who wants to help! There are also a number of community organizations who can help you complete the application.

Crisis Fuel Assistance +

Crisis Fuel Assistance is to help households who may be almost or completely out of fuel. Folks who meet income requirements (200% of the FPL) are eligible to receive this assistance!

Folks must apply in person at their Community Action Agency, and it is always best to call first so you know what other documentation you may need to bring. If you are older or disabled and can not apply in person, a phone application may be taken.

Free Weatherization Services +

The Weatherization Assistance Program is a free service that will improve the energy efficiency of your home and cut down on heating costs. Services may include a comprehensive "whole house" energy assessment, state-of-the-art building diagnostics, and full-service energy-efficient retrofits. On average, the program:

  • Makes about $10,000 worth of improvements per home,
  • Adds about 1,500 square feet of insulation, and
  • Reduces drafts by about 40%.

The application is four pages long and service providers at your local Office of Economic Opportunity will be happy to assist you. See if you’re eligible for this service!

Energy Assistance +

Vermont Gas Company (VGS) and Green Mountain Power (GMP) offer energy assistance programs to subsidize home heating costs. Call ESD at 1-800-775-0516 if you have questions about who is eligible and how to apply or contact a community service provider local to you.

  • GMP's Energy Assistance helps people afford energy for their homes — regardless of the fuel type. Vermonters whose income is at or below 185% of the FPL may qualify to get a 25% discount off monthly charges for energy. The two-page application will be reviewed to the Department for Children and Families Economic Services Division.

  • VGS Assistance helps folks afford natural gas for their homes. Vermonters whose income is at or below 185% of the FPL may qualify to get a 20% discount off monthly natural gas bills. The two-page application will be reviewed by the Department for Children and Families Economic Services Division.

Fuel Buying Program +

EastRise Credit Union offers a low-interest credit line to members to pre-purchase a variety of home heating fuel types. After enrolling, your participation in the program will automatically renew each year unless you choose to opt-out. Learn more about the program here.