3SquaresVT in a SNAP!
You can apply for 3SquaresVT benefits and Extended Certification Period (ECP) fuel benefits all in one simple application. After your application is approved, you are automatically enrolled in three years of benefits with no additional paperwork, and are given an individual caseworker to connect with directly.
3SquaresVT in a SNAP is for Vermont households where everyone is:
60+ or receiving disability benefits
Purchasing and preparing meals together
Not earning income from a job
Unearned income like SSI or a pension do not count as earned income, but must be equal to or below a certain threshold. Learn more about income eligibility here.
If you don't qualify for 3SquaresVT in a SNAP, you may still qualify for 3SquaresVT.
For more information or help filling out an application, call:
The HelpLine at 1-800-642-5119
Vermont Foodbank, toll-free at 1-855-855-6181, or
Dial 2-1-1 to be connected to your local action agency.
Am I eligible? +
People may be eligible for 3SNP if everyone in the 3SNP household:
- Meets the income limit (or resource test of $4,500 if over the income limit)
- Is at least 60 years old or receiving disability benefits, AND
- Is not earning income from a job or self-employment, AND
A 3SNP Household is defined as people livng together who buy and cook most of their meals together. People who are married or living as domestic markers need to apply together, even if they don't buy and cook meals together. There may be multiple "3SNP households" living in one home!
How can I apply? +
The 3SquaresVT in a SNAP application is just four pages and there are a few different ways to complete and submit your application:
- Print Application (202-3SNP) or call 1-800-479-6151 to request a copy.
Complete and sign it.
Submit it by:
- Using the AHS Document Uploader, or
- Mailing it to the address listed on the application, or
- Dropping it off at a district office.
For help applying, call the DCF Benefits Service Center at 1-800-479-6151. If you are age 60 or older, you can also call the Helpline at 1-800-642-5119. If you have a hearing or speech disability, dial 7-1-1 for the relay service.
Maintaining 3SquaresVT Benefits +
If your 3SquaresVT in a SNAP application is approved, you will not need to think about reapplying for benefits, completing additional paperwork or an interim report for three years unless your circumstances change.
Once enrolled, you will get money every month to buy groceries at supermarkets, natural food stores, farmers markets, and anywhere that accepts 3SquaresVT. This money can be directly deposited as cash in a bank account or on an EBT card that looks and works like a debit card.
Once those three years are up, you will be mailed a recertification form; complete and return it to your individual caseworker for review. If your recertification is approved, you will automatically receive another three years of 3SquaresVT benefits. If denied, you will have an interview with your caseworker. If you don't qualify for 3SquaresVT in a SNAP, you may still apply for 3SquaresVT.
The following changes must be reported within 10 days after the month in which the change occured:
If anyone in the household is newly employed or self-employed
If anyone in the household moves in/out
If anyone in the household has a baby
Getting 3SquaresVT benefits does not hurt your benefits under SSI or keep you from getting Meals on Wheels or a commodities box. In fact, getting 3SquaresVT may even help you qualify for other services, like assistance with your phone bill. Learn more about other program benefits.