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3SquaresVT Facts & Myths
Some of the most common barriers to applying for 3SquaresVT are pride, shame, stigma, and the spread of misinformation. Together we can debunk the myths associated with 3SquaresVT and positively promote this important program.
Myths debunked! Below are some of the most common phrases or myths we hear about 3SquaresVT. Sharing accurate information and celebrating 3SquaresVT is important to ensuring we all access the program when we need it. Share this with your neighbor, family members, colleagues, and customers. These facts may also be useful if you are writing a local news article or letter to the editor.
“Other people need it more than me.”
This isn’t true! If you are eligible to enroll in 3SquaresVT, you should enroll! You're not taking benefits away from anyone else. There is no limit to the number of people who can enroll in 3SquaresVT.
3SquaresVT is an entitlement program, meaning that everyone who is eligible for benefits has the right to receive them. We all pay into the program with our tax dollars.
When you use 3SquaresVT to shop locally or to buy local products, you support jobs and businesses in your community by keeping federal dollars into Vermont. Every $1 in 3SquaresVT benefits generates about $1.70 in economic activity.
“I don’t want people to know I need help.”
There is no shame in accessing this program, funded by your tax dollars.
Nearly 70,000 people in Vermont use 3SquaresVT every month. Paying for groceries with 3SquaresVT benefits looks the same as anyone else paying with a debit or credit card.
Applying for 3SquaresVT benefits is a confidential process.
“I’d rather go to the food shelf.”
You can still go to the food shelf even if you are receiving 3SquaresVT benefits. For example, if you get cereal at the food shelf, then you can use your 3SquaresVT benefits to buy the milk.
The food shelf can also help you apply for 3SquaresVT. With 3SquaresVT, you can shop whenever is convenient for you!
There are times when food shelves have limited choices. 3SquaresVT lets you choose the foods you like in a grocery store. You can buy the foods you know your kids will eat.
“I’m probably not eligible.”
Many people in Vermont don’t know they’re eligible for 3SquaresVT! Working families, home owners, and people with savings may all be eligible to apply. Some expenses like high housing or medical expenses may increase your benefit amount.
You can own a car and a house and still get 3SquaresVT. You can have savings in the bank too. Most resources and assets will not count if your income is under a certain level.
Many people don't know that working parents who get the Vermont Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) may be able to get 3SquaresVT no matter their income or resources. Working parents may also deduct child care expenses to get a higher benefit amount.
“It’s too hard to apply.”
There is support available for you! Service providers across the state can walk you through every step of the application process and help you submit everything you need to apply.
There are many ways to apply for the program! Use the method that is easiest for you.
If you are eligible for 3SquaresVT, DCF wants you to receive benefits!
The interview process is easy and convenient. You can have your interview on the phone instead of in the office. Interviews are "on demand" which means you choose the date and time that works for you before your deadline. Interviewers are on the line to take your call.
“3SquaresVT/SNAP costs our country too much money.”
SNAP costs account for less than 2% of our federal budget and costs 95% of U.S. taxpayers just $200 annually.
SNAP brings economic growth to our communities! Every $1 spent using 3SquaresVT benefits generates $1.70 in economic stimulus. SNAP does the opposite of creating an economic deficit.
During times of economic downturn, SNAP is one of our most effective stimulus tools.