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Apply now.
You can apply for 3SquaresVT online, by mail, or in person. There are organizations across the state who can help you apply and will guide you through every step of the process.
If you are 60 or older, call the Helpline at 1-800-642-5119 for personalized assistance.
For translation and interpretation services, call 1-800-479-6151 or 1-855-247-3092.
If you have questions about the status of your application or case, contact Economic Services Division at 1-800-479-6151 or visit their website.
Apply now +
You will submit an application to the Department for Children and Families, who oversee the 3SquaresVT program. There are a few different ways to apply for 3SquaresVT.
- Apply online
- Apply in person at your local district office
- Request that a paper application be mailed to you by calling 1-800-479-6151.
If you do not have reliable access to the internet or a paper application, you can still apply. Call 2-1-1 or click here to find someone who can offer free application assistance in-person or over the phone; they may even be able to apply for 3SquaresVT on your behalf.
Before you apply +
Be sure to gather information about the people you live with before you begin the application. Some people who live together need to apply together, but others may apply separately.
If you live with your spouse, domestic partner, or your children who are younger than 22-years-old (biological, adopted, or step), you need to apply as one 3SquaresVT household.
If you live with housemates who do not fall into one of the above categories, and you don't buy and cook food together, you can apply separately.
You will need the following information for people applying with you:
- Dates of Birth and Social Security Numbers
- Pay stubs for earned income (e.g., money earned from a job)
- Check stubs for unearned income (e.g., alimony, child support, Unemployment Insurance)
- Household bills (e.g., medical, fuel, phone, and electric)
You do not need to provide the Date of Birth or Social Security Number of people living with you who are not applying with you.
For more information on preparing for the application process, read this list.
The application +
If applying online: The online application usually takes an hour to complete. You will need to verify some things on your application, like income and household bills. Use the AHS uploader to send documents securely from your computer, phone or tablet.
If mailing in an application: The application is combined with other programs. If you only want to apply for 3SquaresVT, complete all of the questions on the application with a 3SquaresVT apple next to them.
If you can't or don't know how to answer all of the questions, that's okay. You can mail in your application as long as you have filled out page 1A (Questions 1-4) and have signed page 18A. This begins the application process, but you will need to review the unanswered questions with a Benefits Specialist during the interview. If you are able to fill out more of the application, your application may be processed more quickly.
If you apply online, save a PDF of your application. If you mail in an application, make a copy to keep if you're able to. This isn't required, but can be helpful to look back on during your interview.
Check out these tips for filling out the application.
Watch this helpful application tutorial video!
The interview +
Once your application is submitted, the next step is to complete an interview. This can be done over the phone or in person, and usually takes 15-30 minutes. The interview is a time for the Benefits Specialist to make sure they have all the accurate information they need to process your application.
When your application is received, a worker will call you to complete your interview. If they do not reach you, they will mail you a letter telling you to call for an interview. You only have five days to complete this interview, so call as soon as you can!
During the interview, a worker will go over your application with you and may ask you to send or bring in documents to verify things like your mailing address or how much money you make. You may be able to find out that day if you can get 3SquaresVT benefits or it may take longer if the worker needs more information. If you do not have the information your worker needs when you meet, you will have time to get it, but it may take longer for you to get 3SquaresVT benefits.
When will I know if I can get 3SquaresVT? +
You should get your 3SquaresVT notice within 30 days of submitting your application. It may take longer if you need to give the 3SquaresVT office more information.
Resource list +
If you have questions or need help with the application, you can get help from:
- Your local Community Action Agency or
- Your local Agency on Aging. If you are over 60, you can also call the Vermont HelpLine at 1-800-642-5119.
- The Vermont Foodbank at 855-855-6181 or text ‘VFBSNAP’ to 855-11.
For application assistors +
If you are offering somebody help applying for 3SquaresVT, here are some tips and strategies to support your application assistance.
Virtual application assistance: As an application assistor, you can help clients apply for 3SquaresVT benefits over a phone or video call. Applications can be completed online or on the paper application. To support assistance over the phone:
If a client has access to the internet… you can walk a client through the process by going through the application online together. Clients can submit verification documentation online through DCF-ESD’s document uploader, either by scanning documentation, or taking pictures of the documents, and uploading them into the system. Encourage clients to submit required documentation as soon as possible after they apply.
If a client has a paper application and access to the internet…you can walk a client through the process by going through the paper application or online application together. If a client would prefer the paper application, they can take pictures or scan each page of the application, and upload it online through DCF-ESD’s document uploader. Encourage clients to submit required documentation with their application if they submit a copy of the paper application through the document uploader. If they applied using the online application, encourage clients to submit required documentation as soon as possible through the document uploader after they apply.
If a client does not have access to the internet but has an application… you can walk a client through the process by going through the paper application together. The client can then mail the application to DCF-ESD.
If a client does not have access to the internet and does not have an application… you can help the client through the application process by filling out a paper application for them. During the phone call, you can collect the necessary information needed and record it on the paper application. The application then can be mailed to the client, at which point they can sign it and mail the application to DCF-ESD.