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Do I qualify?
Everyone who is eligible for 3SquaresVT is entitled to participate, and no one is taking benefits away from someone else by enrolling.
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You may be able to get 3SquaresVT benefits if you are:
Working +
To qualify for 3SquaresVT, an individual or family must meet income limits based on the number of people in the household. There is no limit on resources such as savings and property or vehicle ownership.
Income requirements are different if you have a person over 60 living in your home, if you receive the Earned Income Tax Credit and have a dependent child, or if a member of your household is receiving SSI, SSDI or Reach Up. Many people are eligible for 3SquaresVT benefits and do not know it.
Unemployed +
People need to meet certain work requirements to receive 3SquaresVT benefits, unless circumstances exempt you from working. You can learn more about work requirements here.
Call 855-855-6181 or email 3svt@vtfoodbank.org to find out if you may be exempt from this rule or how you can meet the requirements.
Experiencing Houselessness +
3SquaresVT has special rules that will help you get benefits even if you do not have regular nighttime residence or are living in:
- A supervised shelter that provides temporary accommodations
- A halfway house or similar institution
- A temporary accommodation in the residence of another person (less than 90 days)
- A place not designed for sleeping
3SquaresVT offices have set up ways to serve those who are experiencing houselessness. They can find you an authorized representative or mail your benefits to the shelter where you stay.
- You can use the address of a friend, relative, or U.S. Post Office to get mail.
- You can get 3SquaresVT benefits even if you live in a shelter and get free meals
- You do not need a kitchen or a place to cook to get 3SquaresVT benefits
- You do not need a photo ID to get 3SquaresVT benefits. You need proof of identity. A photo ID is one way to prove identity. You can't be turned down for 3SquaresVT benefits because you don't have a photo ID. You can use another ID like a work or school badge, a health benefits card, an ID from another social service, a pay stub, a birth certificate or a voter registration card.
- You do not need to be employed to receive 3SquaresVT benefits.
A Refugee, Immigrant, or New American +
Getting 3SquaresVT benefits will not count against you when you apply for your green card. The State will not report you to immigration authorities.
If you are a documented resident of the U.S., you may be able to get 3SquaresVT benefits if have lived in the U.S. for five years or you, your parents, and/or spouse have worked in the U.S. for 10 years total. Getting 3SquaresVT benefits also depends on your income, the money you have saved, and how many people live in your household.
If you do not want to give information about your status, you will not get benefits, but your family members may still be able to get them. Once you tell DCF that you do not want to give them this information, they will not ask you any more questions or try to find out about your immigration status from anyone else and they will not share any of your information with ICE.
If you would like an interpreter to help you apply for 3SquaresVT benefits, you can ask for one and the 3SquaresVT office will arrange for one. If you have questions about 3SquaresVT, call Vermont Legal Aid toll-free at 1-800-889-2047.
Click here for more information.
60 or older or living with a disability +
3SquaresVT has special rules that make getting benefits easier for older Vermonters and people living with disabilities. These rules apply to you if you are 60+ or receive disability benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income, Veteran's Disability, Social Security disability or blindness payments, or Railroad Retirement disability payments.
Click here for more information for Older Vermonters and People with Disabilities
You can get 3SquaresVT benefits without going to the 3SquaresVT office. Most 3SquaresVT interviews are done over the phone.
You do not have to reapply for 3SquaresVT benefits as often as other people. If everyone in your 3SquaresVT household is 60 or older or has a disability, you will be able to get 3SquaresVT benefits for up to 3 years before you will be asked to fill out another application. Learn more about 3SquaresVT in a SNAP.
You can get help with your 3SquaresVT application at your local Area Agency on Aging if you are 60 or older or Community Action Agency if you are a person with a disability and under 60.
Your 3SquaresVT benefits can be deposited into a bank account. If everyone in your 3SquaresVT household is 65 or older or is entitled to SSI/AABD, you do not have to use the 3SquaresVT card. Instead, you can get 3SquaresVT benefits in the form of cash deposited right into your bank account. You can use the cash or a check to buy food. If you do not have a bank account, you can get 3SquaresVT benefits as a check or in the form of cash on the 3SquaresVT card.
You can get more 3SquaresVT benefits if you have monthly medical expenses. You may be able to get more 3SquaresVT benefits each month if you have medical costs not covered by insurance. These costs will be deducted from your income and can help you get more 3SquaresVT benefits. Medical costs are things like: over-the-counter medications; insurance premiums; medical supplies; dentures; prescriptions; and a home health aid (nurse).
Military families +
3SquaresVT has special rules that may help military families get even more benefits.
You may be eligible if you have a limited income; how much you get in monthly benefits is based on your living expenses.
Combat pay is not counted as income for military families in 3SquaresVT. Some households may not be eligible when a service member is stateside and working. But they may qualify when a member is deployed.
Families already getting 3SquaresVT before deployment may be eligible for more benefits during combat service.
A college student +
Yes, college students may qualify for 3SquaresVT! If you’re enrolled in a university, business, or vocational school half time or more, and meet a work requirement or exemption, you can apply for 3SquaresVT benefits! If you are in school less than half time, these rules do not apply to you, and you can get 3SquaresVT benefits based on the regular rules.
Learn more about college student eligibility and how to apply here.
An AmeriCorps member +
Many AmeriCorps members are eligible for 3SquaresVT benefits. There are additional 3SquaresVT rules that apply only to AmeriCorps members. These rules are different depending on which program you are enrolled in.
AmeriCorps VISTA members: Due to 3SquaresVT rules that apply only to AmeriCorps VISTA participants, it is recommended that you fill out your application and mail it in before you participate in your pre-service orientation. If you are already enrolled in 3SquaresVT when you begin your term of service, Federal regulations specify that your monthly living allowance is exempt from consideration as earned income. However, if you sign up for benefits after you begin your VISTA service, your monthly living allowance will be considered earned income, lowering the amount of 3SquaresVT dollars you will receive each month.
AmeriCorps State or National or AmeriCorps NCCC: As an AmeriCorps State or National or AmeriCorps NCCC member, you are required to report your monthly living allowance as well as any other income to Economic Services. However, 3SquaresVT policy states that your AmeriCorps earnings are to be excluded from consideration as income when calculating your monthly benefits. This provision will help raise your monthly benefit amount.
A household that received
the Earned Income Tax Credit +
Working families with children who receive the Vermont Earned Income Tax Credit (VT EITC) are automatically income eligible for 3SquaresVT food benefits and may be eligible for free school meals.
Click here to learn how to get this important tax credit.